143. How to Leave Your Day Job with Real Estate

How to Leave Your Day Job with Real Estate

Brian Luebben is an Entrepreneur, Podcaster, and Real Estate Investor out of Austin, Tx. He made it to the top of a Fortune 500 Company in their Sales Organization, only to realize quickly that living the “corporate america life” for the next 40 years was simply no longer an option.

Through his podcast (The Action Academy), cash-flowing real estate, and his Media Company (Sexton Media) he now has generated enough revenue via remote income sources to earn him Financial Freedom to do what he wants, when he wants, with who he wants.

This lead to him leaving his corporate job in March 2022, hopping on a one way flight, and traveling the world for 6 months straight.

His new mission is to help 1,000,000 other people do the same through The Action Academy.

About Your Host:

Tyler Cauble, Founder & President of The Cauble Group, is a commercial real estate broker and investor based in East Nashville. He’s the best selling author of Open for Business: The Insider’s Guide to Leasing Commercial Real Estate and has focused his career on serving commercial real estate investors as a board member for the Real Estate Investors of Nashville.